On Saturday I took my family, mother and mother-in-law out for dinner to a restaurant I’ve been to 6 times before.
I spent $297.
No-One Knows My Name
It occurred to me later that the staff/management don’t know my name or where I live or how to contact me.
As times get tough we all need to market smarter.
Marketing to your current customer base is easy, cheap and usually very effective.
If you don’t know who your customers are, find out. Use these ways to get their contact data:
- Surveys
- Competitions
- Newsletter subscriptions
- Just ask them
Not to menntion they likely saw your name on your credit card when you presented it for p[aymnet, no?
It is amazing how many people, on and off line, don’t seem to care about who their customers are … untl the bank account gets low.
Similar to the people who search for a job by sending out ‘to whom it may cancern’ letters. D’oh.