I’ve written before about how we (meaning me and you) can undervalue our expertise because what we do comes so easily to us. I’d like to address this topic a little differently today. Clients pay us for our expertise. So that’s what we need to give them. My car was in the garage last week […]
The stupidest people in the world??
Here in Australia one of the major sports is a game called Rugby League. It’s similar to American football. At the moment one of the high profile teams are battling a crisis. A couple of weeks ago the “Bulldogs” played a pre-season game in a place called Coffs Harbour. Subsequent to this a woman has […]
Few sales……………but great awareness.
The web site launch went okay with the TV show airing a segment on the product. This increases the awareness of the product amongst about 500,000 viewers. That’s terrific. Sales were slow and didn’t quite reach 50. When you measure your marketing campaign, don’t say what I just did… “increases the awareness of the product […]
1 day. 1 business. Experience counts.
Last Thursday I finalised a deal with a Sydney businessman. It was for a web based business for ourselves through which we’ll distribute his product. On Friday I briefed one of our designers on the web site requirements. He finished the logo and the web site on Saturday. Then our programmer did his magic on […]
Even night owls need service
I’m off to Sydney on Wednesday with Jo. As you can probably tell from the late hour of my usual posts, I’m a night owl. Last night at 1 a.m I booked our flights on the Internet. And promptly booked the wrong day. D’oh! We’re flying Virgin Blue, so I quickly checked up on their […]
The hot idea for today
It’s hot here. Real hot. As I said in the other blog – on the home page – I’ve just come in from a run. The reason I ran at 9.30 pm because it has started to cool down. As I was running I thought about business One part I was thinking about was this […]
Why 1 camera is better than the next
On the weekend, the boys and I bought one of those disposable cameras. Cost me about $12 for a 27 exposure Kodak camera. The camera worked a treat and we had used the entire film up by the end of the day. We dropped it in to be developed and looked to buy another one. […]
The power of the brand
My lovely wife (whom I’ve mentioned twice on this web site today) runs her own web site business. When she set up the site she adopted quite a dynamic strategy. The web site originally sold the products of one manufacturer in a niche market. Now, she had a couple of choices on how she was […]
Your customers have all the answers
It never ceases to amaze me the value of a customer. I don’t mean in terms of pure sales, but I mean in the amount of information they can provide. You see, we’ve been completing surveys for a business over the past couple of weeks. We’ve been surveying their customers via phone, face to face […]
Copywriting – worth every cent
I’ve been writing a simple brochure for a client all day and it’s hard work. You see, to write good copy you need to do a lot of research, surveys, talk with the customers and generally get right into the business. Only then can you get the ‘feel’ for the business. And, like a lot […]