A few years back I was managing this athlete. She had quite a high profile, was well respected within her sport and we’d grown her profile to a level where everyone in her home state knew of her. The next step was to generate some decent sponsorship. Now when you look around for sponsorship for […]
Ask people to buy
My daughter Laura plays hockey with her local club. Her best friend plays in the same team and is a terrific player. This friend, Lisa, made a representative team and they have a trip away in a few weeks. One of the ways the team is fundraising to pay for the trip is by selling […]
Free publicity with a simple letter
My mate Nige……and how 880,000 people saw his name One of my oldest friends is a guy called Nigel Jepson. Nige and I used to walk to school together as kids. We also used to try and beat each other at every sport you can imagine. And then there was a tussle for a girl’s […]
By George, I think he’s on to something
I’ve just gotten off the phone after having a chat to a client. I’ll call him George…….because that’s his name! (Sick of that joke yet?) George and I discussed his web site. George told me one idea he had for marketing the site. My response was this: “That’s a very silly idea George. And the […]
Finding an angle
Sales of my Web Design Business Kit are going well and the publisher wants to really push sales prior to the end of the financial year here in Australia (the financial year ends on June 30). We’re putting together the media info to send out to drum up some interest and interviews. I’m sitting here […]
Honesty the best policy
Building customer loyalty Hello. I’m up bright and early today trying to finish off a few things in the office before the day really starts. Building customer loyalty in business is difficult. It’s about trust and it’s about providing value. Something happened at dinner last night that illustrates this perfectly well. Mel and I went […]
The Tailored Archive
Hi there, Joanne here…the technical brains behind the Tailored site! Thanks to those who have sent through emails regarding the Tailored archive. We just wanted to let you know we are on to it and will have it sorted shortly. Our apologies for any inconvenience. Thanks again and have a great day. 30 MINUTES LATER… […]
Passion – the importance
Have to have passion Hello. I have a meeting today with a multi-millionaire businessman and his partner. We’re having a chat about us managing this guy. They are a very interesting couple and if you met them you would automatically think: “They are successful.” I know I did when I first met them. You see, […]
Demonstrating your expertise
I had a lovely lunch in Brisbane this afternoon. The food was a bit ordinary, but the beer was cold. And that’s all you really want in a lunch! I was having a chat this afternoon with a client who had been reading the blog. He asked me if I gave away too much information […]
Increased expectations
“Dad, can I have the buffet next time?” Hello. Hope you had an enjoyable weekend. I had a sporty weekend. It started on Friday afternoon. Jo and I left work early on Friday and had a game of tennis. After an incredible, hard and tough struggle I managed to just win…….6-0, 6-0, 6-0. Hehehehe. And […]