Store refused to exchange Microwave Mel, my gorgeous wife, bought a new oven the other week. New super-duper stainless steel thing. Here in the office yesterday the Microwave oven died. And the kettle started leaking. Must have been bad karma?? So Mel had the bright idea of bringing in the kettle and Microwave from home […]
Different Strokes For Different Folks
Had one of those days today. It was pretty much summed up by these words when I went to the Dentist next door because I had a bit of a toothache. Major catastrophe He’s taken a quick look and said “You have a major catastrophe there.” Not the words you want to hear when you […]
People prefer brands – so says their brain
Just reading a bit of research talking about how people’s brains respond differently to products (in the research the products were Coke and Pepsi). By associating a drink with Coke or Pepsi, different parts of the brain were found to become more active. The results suggest that Coke’s branding has been so effective that it […]
Are the traits already there?
Are the traits already there? Howdy. Hope you are well. I’ve been writing a speech tonight. It’s about the lessons I’ve learnt as I’ve gone along in business and what I’ve found are the important aspects, for me, in success. I’ve been thinking of examples of these traits in action. Examples of the trait and […]
Using humour
It’s just not funny…….maybe Hello. Hope your weekend went well. You always learn something from everything you do. I wrote the blog below on Friday afternoon. It’s a tongue-in-cheek, over-the-top, outrageous post meant to be funny. Emphasis on “meant to be”. Jo, Mel and I all went through it. * Jo didn’t like it – […]
How to find kids like Jack – kids who spend $ on camping gear
After Jack bought all of his camping gear for his birthday, we just had to try it out. So off we went camping – out the back of nowhere to an old bush camp site.10 pm middle of a Rain Forest, miles from nowhere. 2 excited boys. 1 still wearing his bush hat (must think […]
Videoing a speech
A couple of the businessmen we manage are the keynote speakers at a seminar here on the Gold Coast tomorrow. We’re having one of the speeches videod for future use. I spoke with a number of local firms for the videoing. And here was my thinking in the selection process. # 1: Had to be […]
Most effective marketing of the Olympics
I was asked yesterday, as a marketing guy, who I thought did the best job in marketing their product at the Olympic Games. My answer seemed to amaze the people asking, but I’ll stick with it as one of the most effective marketing strategy examples I’ve seen in years. And the winner of best marketer […]
Update on site
Navigation down side, broken links, etc Howdy. Thanks for everyone’s feedback on the site. Couple of technical issues have reared their ugly head and we’re working on them now. Edited: 11.15 am: We’ve just added the remaining pages. Now that’s done we can start adding additional articles, case studies, etc. Our next fixes are the […]
Examples of business in action
2 examples – measuring and asking Hello. Hope you had a good weekend. I got to thinking after the blog I wrote on Wednesday after my training session with Sam. As you probably know, I try and tie back the takeaways (or lessons) in the articles I write, back to real life examples. And although […]