One of my favourite all time gobblegook (I’m not sure that’s a word) was from Donald Rumsfeld answering a question in a news briefing. He said this: “As we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there […]
Beat Violence – Wear Thicker Clothes
Beat Violence – Wear Thicker Clothes Now I know this web site doesn’t often delve away from business issues, but here’s an item that caught my eye today: A woman rang a domestic violence hotline complaining of being punched by her husband and was told, if you can believe this, to wear thicker clothes. Women’s […]
When To Ask For The Testimonial
I talked in an earlier post about the site we’ve just redeveloped that has been generating some excellent sales. The first sale took 35 minutes about we launched it, there was 3 sales within 17 hours. At the end of the first 24 hour period there was 6 sales. And that’s for a site that […]
Was This A Marketing Opportunity?
Hello. Hope you’ve had a good weekend. In the newspaper on the weekend I read about a hoax painting displayed at the British Museum for a few days. Apparently a well-known “art terrorist” (called Banksy) had placed a painting of a caveman pushing a supermarket trolley. It was titled “Early Man Goes To Market”. The […]
The Importance Of Value
How much do you charge for your product or service? Do your customers value the product or service you provide? On Monday at 5 am my 74-year-old father set off for his daily 5 km bike ride to Kings Beach at Caloundra, Queensland. Once there he swam his 50 laps of the pool (1,000 metres […]
Online Sales Growing Every Minute
Here’s a few indicators that Web Sites are becoming an essential part of doing business. Online Sales With Australia’s online sales set to almost double this year to $10 billion (up from $6 billion last year) it looks a good year for online retailers. Click here for full story. Online Advertising Yahoo!’s first-quarter profits doubled […]
What To Do When You Win An Award
I went to a lunch yesterday where the guest speaker was a guy called Pat McCarthy from a business called The Perfume Connection. The business had recently won our city’s top business award and Pat spoke at length about how he and his wife (Penel) had built the business from day one. The Perfume Connection […]
When You Should Bribe Potential Customers
In the last few days I’ve received 3 requests to complete surveys. 2 requests were from Government departments, 1 from a business. I took a quick look at the surveys and decided not to complete them. The reason was basically this: There was nothing in it for me. All the surveys would have taken about […]
How To Lose Focus In One Easy Step
A big part of the reason my business has grown is because our customer service and appreciation is better than most. At the moment, we’re exceptionally busy. And what tends to happen then is our customer service levels drop as we try and take care of our clients. Clients come to us because of our […]
Why Knowing Nothing Is Great For Business
A few years back we were asked to develop a web site for a client who manages a resort. Now, we’d never developed a resort web site and I started by looking at other resort web sites and seeing what they did. That was okay, but with any benchmarking there can be a risk of […]