I’ve mentioned the importance of telling a story as part of your marketing in an earlier post. Last week I bought a notebook. It’s called a Moleskine notebook and duly arrived a few days later. “No Ordinary Notebook…..” This is no ordinary notebook. Within the cover the notebook came with a story – printed on […]
What Are The Chances?
To the left you’ll see a mug that was handpainted by my daughter Laura at school 4 months ago. Heh, the lines aren’t so straight but she painted it with love! Laura hadn’t seen the mug for 4 months when in yesterday’s lesson the class had to handpaint drink coasters. Laura said she had the […]
Our Own Podcast Launching
This coming Tuesday we’ll be launching our own Podcast (a Podcast is simply an audio show you can subscribe to) on our sister site at www.tailoredpodcast.com. Go and visit now and you can listen to the very brief audio already on the site. “Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix” will be launched at 2 pm our time […]
Why You Might Pay More….And Why Beautiful Models Earn Their Money
I had a brief conversation with a client today where we set up a meeting for next week. The client has received 3 quotes for his web project and we’re the most expensive by far. The client is a savvy business guy and understands that quality sometimes costs more. So he’s keen to meet and […]
I Bought Some Software…..And I Was Scared
When I speak with clients about the factors that impact on their web site’s success I generally mention the perception of risk as a key factor in the buying process. That is, if the client perceives their is any risk in dealing with your web site then they will not buy. Because I say it […]
It’s Not What’s On The Wall Dummy
It’s Not What’s On The Wall Dummy! Anthony and I were recently in a clients place of business, which just happened to be an Art Gallery. An artist was busily helping gallery staff put up his latest works (wildlife photography) which included a photo of a tubular sea anemone and a close-up underwater shot of […]
“I’d Rather Visit Hell Than Byron Bay”
That’s what a TV and Radio personality here in Australia said after him and his son were involved in a fight with 15 or so local youths at Byron Bay. Byron Bay is the most easterly point of Australia and is a beautiful little town by the sea. It relies very heavily on tourists for […]
What Limitations Are Holding You Back?
Most of us have some sort of limitation holding us back – it might be confidence, or money, or training, etc. But should they really? I’ve just come from a meeting with a client who runs a successful art gallery. One of his main roles is to select the artwork for the gallery. It’s a […]
A Pigeon Vs Dial Up – The Race To Deliver Fastest
I gave a couple of talks to some business delegates at a seminar in the beautiful coastal town of Byron Bay this morning. One of the talks was about marketing and I briefly mentioned generating media coverage for your business. My point being that if you do something newsworthy then you stand the best chance […]
Testimonials For My Web Design Business Kit
“The Web Design Business Kit is probably the most important thing on our business that we have read. I only wish I’d read it years ago.” “It’s my bible and I read it everyday.” “The web design business kit is great. .. Brendon has shown me why my advertising and marketing has brought so little […]