Mmmmm. Sometimes the little guys are best. On Sunday night I emailed Dell support to ask how quickly their ‘Express Delivery’ service was. That’s where you pay a premium and get the computer you ordered sent to you quicker than the standard 10 days. I received an answer late on Monday morning (I’ve deleted the […]
The Proper ‘English’ Suits
The Proper ‘English’ Suits As you’d probably guess, I’m a big fan of a blog being used by a business web site. It’s really helpful, like this blog is, in giving visitors a sense of the people behind the company and in helping to share information. Sure, it’s not the be all and end all […]
Does Sex Really Sell?
In these enlightened times you could probably develop a good argument that sex doesn’t sell any more. That we’re now too ‘civilised’, too aware of sensitivities related to using sex to sell or just plain over-exposed to pretty women or men being used to sell something. But all that would be wrong. Sex sells. And […]
The Story Makes The Difference
I read in today’s paper that the Aston Martin used in the James Bond films Thunderball and Goldfinger has sold at auction for more than $2.8 million (AUD) – just under $2.1 million. It’s a 1965 Aston Martin DB which, under normal circumstances, would sell for a lot, lot less than $2.8 million. But, you […]
How Can You Piggy Back Others Credibility To Help Your Own Business
We’ve all seen businesses use testimonials in their marketing. It aids the credibility of the business to have someone say something good about them. And if the person providing the testimonial is credible to the reader/buyer/viewer/whoever then you are a long way along the road to a sale. One of the best users of a […]
Want A Job? Here’s Tip # 1
We’re advertising a job here in the office (if you have web skills, video editing skills and audio editing skills then take a look). Of the 24 applications so far, just 4 written to “Brendon Sinclair”. All the rest either don’t write a letter (the majority simply attach their resume and send) or don’t bother […]
Video, AV & Web Skills
Can you shoot and edit video? Are you familiar with the buttons and sliders of a mixer? Are you a whiz at editing audio? Do you have web editing skills? If so, we just might have the perfect job for you! One day you might be producing a podcast, shooting a video interview or developing […]
Linking Strategies To Help Search Engine Rankings
Part of developing a successful web site is developing a site that achieves high search engines rankings. This is a highly sophisticated part of web work and results only come with countless hours of hard work and the application of specialist knowledge. One of the factors in achieveing high search engine rankings is the number […]
The Customer Is Always Right – That’s Crazy Talk!
The customer is frequently wrong. There’s no question about that. But we, like all businesses, strive for happy customers so we try our best to make them happy. But sometimes it’s hard. I’m A Plain Speaking Guy I’m a plain speaking guy. I think I’m pretty relaxed about things and a little laid back. But […]
Tell Me Why…… Retailers Like Monday’s
Apologies for the line – it’s a blatant rip off of the Boomtown Rat’s famous song “I don’t like Mondays”. But in the US retailers love Mondays. Especially the Monday after Thanksgiving. It marks a strong day for online holiday shopping. Last year, consumers spent more than $380 million on the Monday after Thanksgiving, a […]