Our local coffee shop has been sold and the new owner is doing what most new owners do. He’s shut the doors for a couple of weeks and has gutted the interior and is redeveloping the decor of the coffee shop. He is also giving the coffee shop a new name. I’m never sure why […]
Online Search A Powerful Driver Of Offline Sales
Anecdotally, I’ve always known that our web clients generate a lot of their sales from people who originally found them through their web site. Often on a web site there will be multiple ways to contact the business to buy: direct online sale phone number email address email form Now quite often only the direct […]
Yahoo! Set To Change Pay Per Click Model
Yahoo! has released a test version of its new search model in Scandinavia and will expand the rollout to the U.K. in July. Yahoo’?s new model will be similar to that of Google, which ranks search-engine ads by both the amount advertisers pay for keywords and the relevance of the ad. The Google-like algorithm should […]
Reasons Why Print Ads Can’t Compete
On Saturday one of our clients took a display ad in a regional newspaper. This client is a holiday resort who generate quite a bit from their web site but decided to give this newspaper a try. The ad didn’t generate 1 enquiry. The ad didn’t generate 1 booking. The question to ask there is […]
Why Good Ideas Don’t Work
I’ve just revisited a site a client abandoned a year or 2 ago. The site has, without question, the most potential of almost any site we ever developed. Almost everything was perfect: great concept brilliant domain name huge potential audience huge viral marketing potential huge advertising potential huge e-commerce potential We developed the site in […]
Target Your Market (And Add Your Own Experience)
According to research group Forrester Research 20% of people ages 13 to 17 regularly read blogs. And the chances are they’ll continue to embrace this style of content. And according to Bridge Data (I’m referencing others here, I can’t find ‘Bridge Data’ anywhere), 80% of podcasts are listened to on the computer. All modesty aside […]
It’s The Story, It’s The Perception
About 18 years ago I wandered into an art gallery in a holiday town I was visiting. Amongst these hundreds of paintings I saw one across the room that immediately captivated me. I just had to buy it. Then and there. There was no question. So I went over and saw that (unluckily!) it was […]
Why Buying Crazy Crap Works
I needed to find an online casino web site for some research on the weekend. Because I never visit them I just visited the only one I’ve ever heard of – Golden Palace. They’re the guys that spend crazy money buying all sorts of crap; Virgin Mary Grilled Sandwich The Pope’s Old Car William Shatner’s […]
2 Ways To Make More Sales From Pay Per Click Campaigns
Okay, we run a lot of Google AdWords campaigns. We know a bit about them. Here are 2 very easy ways to increase your: a) Click through rate (that is, getting more people to click on the ad) b) Convert more visitors to sales once they get to your site. Here’s what you do. 1. […]
Running Some Stats
It’s late on a Friday night. I’m in the office after going home for dinner. My wife and kids are watching some inane TV show they like . But I didn’t want to relax. I wanted to come in an run some stats on some sites. Oh my God. I’m a nerd!! When that happened […]