The person from the directory who annoyed me for 10 minutes has made me think of something we should all do when calling someone. on the phone. We should ask them 1 question right at the start. And that question is this: Have you got some time to talk, or should I call back at […]
Different Strokes For Different Folks
As I mentioned below, I’m currently running a few SitePoint contests for designs. I’m managing a couple of the contests and I’ve seen a few different strategies used by contestants: the entrant who sent me a private message saying he’ll design the web site for free if I choose his logo (it was an excellent […]
How To Get A Date With This Woman – Or Sell More Stuff
I do a few interviews around the place and have just been asked to do another. I know the guy who asked and he asked perfectly: “…….would you like to be interviewed on xxxxxxxxx sometime? It’ll be good for your ego, you’ll get free backlinks, and you’ll get extra fame!” See that? He’s asked me […]
Proof That Newspapers Just Don’t Get It
Want proof that newspapers simply don’t understand new media? Last week the Sydney Morning Herald ran a story stating that “Italian archaeologists believe they have found the cave where, according to legend, a wolf suckled Romulus and Remus, the twin founders of Rome.” Great story. But not news. That happened in January. And the Sydney […]
Robbie McEwen Wins Race & More Fans
Robbie McEwen is an Australian guy who is one of the world’s best (if not the best) cyclists – Robbie is an incredible sprinter and has won just about everything you dream of winning as a cyclist. He’s back home in Australia at the moment and has just raced (yesterday), and won, the Waeco Darren […]
Reading Glasses – How To Save Hundreds
Look, I don’t want to mention any names (it’s Mel) but someone here in the office now has reading glasses. The same someone has always taken great pride in her perfect eyesight and sees reading glasses as a bit of an indication that she may be getting a little older. Anyhow, the point of all […]
What Networking Isn’t
I just added this image (below) to a page on this site. This is true. Imagine when I was young and stupid (no big stretch there) – I used to attend ‘networking’ functions. Basically what happens at networking functions is people push their business card onto you and try and sell you stuff. It’s desperate […]
What You Can Learn From What Athletes Don’t Do
Years ago I managed top class athletes, and given advice to a few more. These days I managed a couple of sites that sponsor athletes so get to see the occasional bit of info sent through. One client has one athlete who is excellent at reporting, the rest are terrible. As A Sponsored Athlete Here […]
Read This – It Ain’t Half Bad
I think I’m a bad writer. I think just about anyone can write better than me. There are usually typos galore until my proofreader gets hold of what I write. The very gentle Martha wrote me just today to help me by letting me know I had 3 obvious typos in my last newsletter. That’s […]
The Sinclair Update
As regular readers get bored by know, I often occasionally mention my kids. Here’s the latest: Laura is going for School Captain. Gets announced tomorrow. She did a 1 minute 34 sec speech at her school assembly in front of 1,200 kids and teachers last week. She worked on the speech for 6 hours. Laura […]