I remember one of my first marketing jobs. I was young and inexperienced. The boss was a pedantic, perfectionist tyrant. If I did anything wrong, I was hammered. Ridiculed. Yelled at. All that had the desired effect. I Did Nothing I did nothing new or innovative or bold or different. Every single thing I did, […]
A Modern Media Kid – How To Brand Yourself 101
One of the big stories here in the last week has been the hilarious going ons of a teenage lad/genius called Corey Worthington. Corey is a 16 yo kid from a Melbourne suburb who has brilliantly encapsulated a lot of the success of modern marketing. You see, he held a party. He advertised his party […]
Permission Marketing Done Not So Well
Expo holders really need to tread a fine line. On the one hand they want to attract service/product providers to buy stall space. So the offer to the potential stall holder has to be good: good space great Expo promotion tons of potential customers coming to the Expo And the Expo holder has to attract […]
Gold Coast Web Designers – What Is It We Do?
We get a fair few enquiries asking a generic “What do you do?” That means a couple of things Our web site isn’t clear enough We need to provide more info every now and then So here’s an overview of what we do: 1. Web developers – we develop web sites. We develop new sites, […]
Geelong Web Designers
Ross from Thrive Web Marketing is a consistent and valued contributor on this site with his comments. So in the interests of me staying on Santa’s ‘Nice’ list, we’ll make mention of that he’s a Geelong Web Designer and well worth a look up if you’re after a web designer in Geelong. Sure, he probably […]
Relocatable Homes In Queensland
Today is link love day where I mention a few sites, like this relocatable homes web site we’ve just completed. QTHomes not only builds relocatable homes, but also a range of other products. Well worth a look if you’re in the market for a relocatable home.
Pool Fence Hire Site Makes A Splash
We’ve just completed a web site for a mate of mine who has a pool fence hire business here on the Gold Coast, Australia. The local laws say that when you dig a hole for a pool deeper than 1,000 mm then you have to have a fence around it. This is the case, of […]
The Funniest Copywriting Ever?? And How To Ensure You’ll Be Sleeping In The Spare Bedroom 101
I don’t want to turn this into the funniest blog ever…….but….. I’ve been writing a client’s web site. His business name is Abacus XXXXXX. I’m writing some sales copy and I’ve just written: “… contact our friendly team on xxxx xxx xxx and we’ll take great care of you – you can count on Abacus!” […]
I Have No Idea Why I’m Doing This
Tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 3.25 am my alarm clock will go off. I’ll stagger out of bed half asleep and put on my bike riding clothes. I’ll toss my bike onto the bike racks, wait for my brother to arrive at 3.45 am and do the same with his bike. Mel will then drive us […]
“…..As Stupid As George Bush.”
Whilst my telemarketer yesterday was just plain tedious, it’s nothing compared to the brilliant insult from this telemarketer when the poor guy on the other end (who has hearing problems) can’t understand the question. The telemarketer is from a business called Blue Print Web Marketing. Right now the guys at Blue Print Web Marketing are […]