After last week’s media interviews when launching the Perth to Paradise bike ride, we made the local newspaper today (I’ve just popped the article below). Incredibly (!!) they decide to run just the picture of Jack by himself. Not the shot of Jack and I together. I can’t imagine why. After all, take a look […]
TV Commercial Production
David Simpson is a mate of mine who runs a TV commercial production business here on the Gold Coast. He produces commercials for agencies all over Australia (and beyond) and we were talking today on how the Internet has revolutionised his industry. You see, now you can get a TV commercial produced (and aired) for […]
Any Publicity Is Good Publicity…….I Think
A client of mine has received what can only be described as the worst publicity ever for someone in his industry…..or so you’d think. A disgruntled customer has made allegations and started a lawsuit against his parent company alleging very significant harm from the products he sells. They’re the sort of claims that you’d think, […]
Opportunistic Marketing
Here’s some good opportunistic marketing. I’m a big fan of Arrested Development – a US comedy. I have the DVD box set and have just watched the entire series. One of the episodes mentions a web site (very briefly) called Being the marketing guy I am I had to take a look to see […]
Severe Case Of PFO – What The??!
“Okay, we have a patient here with PFO……” “Give it stat and then move to prn…..” “We need a bit of link love……” All of those make perfect sense to me Here are the translations. This patient was pissed (drunk) and fell over (PFO) and hurt himself – a very common description when you work […]
How Your Facebook Site Might Stop You From Getting A Job
Social media sites can be a great way to connect with others. Just be aware that whatever you say now can basically be available forever…….and ruin your life. “A survey released by Viadeo said that 62 per cent of British employers now check the Facebook, MySpace or Bebo pages of some applicants, and that a […]
Search Engine Assessment – Free
Looking for some solid (& free) ideas on how you might get higher search engines rankings? Look no further – Web Site Grader is a nifty little tool that does a pretty solid job at giving you some ideas on what needs to be done to your site. Check it out.
Speaking of Reporting…….
Speaking of reporting, I had 2 calls yesterday from happy clients: “Whatever you did has worked incredibly well!” & “I have seen a great improvement. Thanks so much!!” Here are the stats from one of these people – we started work on January 25. Click the image for the larger image – but they’ve gone […]
Works Comes From Surprising Places
Last Thursday we gained a client for search engine work. Last Friday we gained a client for search engine work. Both clients found us by searching on their main keyword and saw sites that are managed by us at # 1. So the new clients figured if we could get # 1 for other clients […]
Who You Gonna Call?
A few years ago here on the Gold Coast, a huge billboard on the highway was advertising a legal firm. The billboard was something (from memory) like this: Next Ad On The Billboard I knew the ad time on the billboard was up and the owner was searching for someone to take the space. I […]