After their incredible decision to reject the Microsoft buyout offer, the dumb asses management at Yahoo have announced they’ll be firing 10% of their staff on the back of falling revenues. Check out CEO Jerry Yang’s email to employees here. I can’t believe Yang is still running the company.
You Can Do It…..Whatever It Is
When Jack and I told family and friends we were going to ride across Australia, quite a number were very skeptical. A few even told us outright “You can’t do it.” One even bet another mate $100 we couldn’t do it in 30 days (yes Tim, I’m talking about you!). We stopped visiting a family […]
How Google Can Stop Link Buying In An Instant
I’ve been reading a fair bit since I’ve been back in civilisation about buying links and how Google doesn’t like it (along with many commentators). This is essentially how Google works – they want to show the best sites possible to people searching for sites. Easy. Your Nuts Are Best Part of the way they […]
How Planning A Bike Ride & A Business Are The Same Thing
So much from our ride can be applied to business. All of it was based on the exact same principles. When Jack first came up with the idea to cycle across Australia we: did a feasibility study – we checked with experts to see if it was physically possible for a 15 yo boy to […]
The No BS Way To Generate Publicity For Your Business
It was the day before Jack and I started our ride in Perth (a city 4,500 kms away from home) when I found out the person who had promised to take care of publicity hadn’t actually done anything. “Very Difficult To Attract Media Attention” I was told how difficult it would be to arrange publicity […]
Spratti Comes Up With Ride Caricature
Legendary Australian caricature artist Phil Spratt (I feature his cartoons on this site every now and then) has sent through a caricature of Jack for the Perth to Paradise ride. Click for larger image That’s me at the back getting a drag along by Jack – pretty much how it will be for the […]
Jerk Off
This is my best bit of advice this year. Get rid of any client who is a jerk. Sure, it sounds harsh. But do it anyway. We don’t have any clients who are jerks anymore (and yes, I’m sure we’ve been jerks to some of our clients in the past). here’s what happens: You work […]
Control Your Brand 101
When I spoke to the Kingscliff TAFE students earlier this week, I strongly suggested that they control their brand as much as possible. The brand in this case being themselves. That is, when a prospective employer or client checks you out via an online search, you want to ensure they only find good stuff. These […]
World’s Best Guest Speaker – You Bet Your Sweet Ass I Am!
Look, you know me. And you know I’m good. Real good. Well, if that’s what you think you’re not on your own! You see, today I spoke at the Kingscliff TAFE to web design students. (And may I say, they are without question the best looking group of people I’ve ever spoken to! I thought […]
Kokoda Challenge Done & Dusted
Starting at 7 am on Saturday I was 1/2 of the Support Crew for my son Harry’s Kokoda Challenge walk team – the team consisted of 4 14yo lads and their teacher (Mr Hogan whom I blogged about below). Jason, Harry, Brandon – still with 30 kms to walk The 96 km walk was to […]