I just did a quick deal yesterday with a guy in Tasmania. The deal, like almost all business deals, went like this: He had something of value I wanted – a domain name. I emailed him and asked if the domain name was for sale. He emailed back with “Yes, for X it is.” I […]
Diagnosis: More Sales
The way The Athlete’s Foot sells athletic footwear makes complete sense to me. Simple Needs Analysis You walk into the store and they do a simple needs analysis – “What will you be doing in the shoes?” They then get you to stand on a pressure mat, which tells them what way your foot goes […]
Why Looks Don’t Matter (Too Much)
I’ve just read a web designer’s web site where he promises to make you a site that “Looks The Way You Want It To Look”. That’s the last thing we’d do! A successful web site isn’t about how it looks. It’s about 1,000 different things and if you spend the majority of your time, effort […]
“There Has To Be A Catch……Haven’t Found It Yet”
Testimonials are an important part of demonstrating just how you do business. Let’s face it, most web business can do the same sort of work – it’s how you do business that makes the difference. Ian Sylvester runs a motorcycle hire business in Tasmania and sent through these kind words just now: “….There Has To […]
Ugg Boots from Australia
We’ve just launched this ugg boots web site in Western Australia. They also have the most amazing sheepskin jackets. We didn’t do the design, we moved the site to a simple content management system so the client could very easily edit the site and the products.
The Simplest Way To Make Money With Domain Names
As a web developer we make money in 2 ways with domain names. We buy domain names on behalf of clients and add a service fee on top. Here in Australia we buy our .com.au domain names for $30 as a reseller for a registrar. We charge clients $100 for the domain name. Once you […]
Why You Don’t Need The Perfect Domain Name
An online mate gave me a heads up on a domain name he thought I might be interested. It’s a solid domain name that would be worth a few bucks and I’ll try and get it if the price is right. Another online mate gave me a heads up years ago that enabled me to […]
The # 1 Reason Why I’m Probably Fitter Than You
I’m pretty fit. I’ve done lots of endurance stuff over the years and still train a lot. I won’t go into detail because I’ll look like a bigger tosser than I already am (but check out the image of Superman at right!). Ferocious Weather Today was a day of ferocious weather. We had torrential rain, […]
Do What Works – It’s Easy
You know, it’s funny. I think I’m lazy. Many of us are. If something is easy or difficult, I’ll always take the easy way out. If you’re developing a web site a client, or if you’re developing your own site, remember this: Make the web site as easy as possible to use (or it won’t […]
Support Those Who Support You
Byron Hepburn is a graphic artist here on the Gold Coast (Hepburn Design on 07 5527 7029). Byron works from home and creates brilliant graphics for his clients at a great price. Anyway, Byron and I have become mates over the years and helped each other out from time to time. When my son and […]