I’ve done quite a few radio ad campaigns over the years and have a client currently running one. The big tip with radio ads is this: Don’t expect immediate results. Radio ads are effective when they’re regular and consistent. It takes a few days before people hear your ad enough to contact you. Our client […]
Big Opportunities In Australian E-Commerce
Being rather active in online retail means we have to keep our eyes on the ball in terms of what’s happening in the industry. The Big News Overseas retailers opening .com.au shops and offering discounted shipping to market to Australians Saks, Macy’s Bloomingdales – many big brands “Australia is a very modern economy, but there’s […]
Marketing Is Everything
Marketing is every interaction your business does. It’s just not the newspaper ad or the web site or the billboard. It’s every single interaction your business makes. Sometimes it’s the interaction you don’t make. Yep, ignore a customer and see your business take a hit. I was having lunch today in a coffee shop in […]
Hand Over Your Facebook Password (And Stop Your Whining)
There’s been a fair bit of outrage over this story where the job applicant was asked to hand over his Facebook password. Everyone seems to be jumping up and down about what an outrage it is. 2 Things Here 1. The First Thing A Potential Employer Will Do The first thing a potential employer is […]
What Your Contact/Enquiry Form Shouldn’t Have
This is what your contact or enquiry form on your web site shouldn’t have. Much. That is, your contact form shouldn’t have much on it at all. Name? Sure. Email? Sure? What they want to know? Sure. Phone Number? Maybe. Address? Nope. Surburb? Nope. Agree to “Terms and Conditions”? Nope. What your contact form on […]
How Teaching Manners To Kids Relates To Business
Rewarded behaviour gets repeated. Pretty simple really. Whatever behaviour you want, reward those who demonstrate that behaviour. 1. You have a great employee who has just gone out of his way to serve a customer. Reward that behaviour: can be as simple as a “Thank you”, movie tickets, a bottle of wine, whatever. 2. You […]
How To Teach Manners To Kids (& 91% Of Parents Are Complete Idiots)
In a recent survey here in Australia, the lack of manners is a worry for parents. A staggering 91% of those surveyed want values and manners taught in schools! What a bunch of idiot parents! The Simple Way To Teach Basic Manners Here’s the simple and effective way to teach your kids manners (it’s what […]
Save Yourself $100 And Miss Out On $2.5 Million
Ooooooops. It’s been 8 days since I last posted. That has to be some sort of record. Been flat out with a few sites. A couple of them have just had mentions on major TV shows here in Australia. With one of those sites we had a whole range of things to do, but it’s […]
Everything Impacts Your Brand AND Your Business
I just did a quick deal yesterday with a guy in Tasmania. The deal, like almost all business deals, went like this: He had something of value I wanted – a domain name. I emailed him and asked if the domain name was for sale. He emailed back with “Yes, for X it is.” I […]
Diagnosis: More Sales
The way The Athlete’s Foot sells athletic footwear makes complete sense to me. Simple Needs Analysis You walk into the store and they do a simple needs analysis – “What will you be doing in the shoes?” They then get you to stand on a pressure mat, which tells them what way your foot goes […]