When marketing businesses we’re big fans of using testimonials, case studies and reviews to help build credibility and reduce the perceived sense of risk. You see, a independent third party endorsement provides significant value to a business with research indicating 92% of consumers now read online reviews. Star rating is the number one factor used […]
The Boss Is Back
We’d like to say our boss (Brendon Sinclair) has been on a fact-finding mission in India looking at all things marketing, but what he’s actually been doing has been roaring through the Himalayas on a motorbike trip with his son. He’s back at work today and has, thank goodness, had a shave and a haircut! […]
The $30,000 Coffee & Social Influence
This photo is from this morning at our local coffee shop – Mr Bengel’s – across the road from the office. Every person in the photo is one of the Tailored Media team. That’s 10 people in the photo, plus me. All having coffees. Many go back for a second coffee later and a bite […]
Tailored team all over the countryside
We do a few different things here at Tailored Media and this past weekend has seen the team in all sorts of directions. Firstly, on Saturday morning, our clients at Blink Finance received a fantastic double page spread in the Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin profiling their success. Awesome recognition for a terrific and fast growing […]
Get Your Brand Sported with Sponsorship
If you think back to your younger days watching the football or cricket on your old tube TV set, there will be a few key things you can remember (other than how bushy David Boon’s moustache was or how many beers and pies you think Warney smashed the night before). You will probably recall seeing […]
The Key to Advertising is Focus
The key to a lot of successful advertising is focus. You find that one major selling point of your product or service and you articulate or represent that, and only that, to your audience. Another way is to demonstrate your product or service is in unexpected ways. Here’s how romance novel publishers Harlequin are demonstrating […]
The Four P’s of Blogging for PR
Good old blogging first made its appearance in the daggy era of the 90’s as an online outlet for a personal diary. Fast-forward 20 years and it has now become an important aspect of any successful business strategy. In fact, many entrepreneurs are making a decent living off blogging alone. With this in mind, here’s […]
Five Reasons Your Business Needs Public Relations
Bill Gates once said, “If I was down to my last dollar, I would spend it on public relations.” And rightly so. With a bounty of potential rewards, using public relations alone or as part of a broader marketing plan can make a huge difference to the success of your business, if it’s done well. […]
Mobile’s Need for Speed: Optimising Your Website for Smartphones
According to our friend Google, the average person spends approximately 177 minutes each day on their mobile. And as the capabilities of smartphones increase, so do the requirements for a user-friendly website. In an analysis of 900,000 landing pages across 126 countries, Google found the majority of mobile sites are slow, clunky and simply not […]
How We Use Facebook Lookalike Audiences to Target the Right Customer
It’s no secret that Facebook knows just about everything about everyone. 1.79 billion users, approximately 15 million of which are in Australia, willingly hand over their personal information, including where they live, their age, where they work and their interests every day. Not only that, but when users engage and interact with posts, including photos, […]