Here at Tailored Media, making our clients look good is just one of the team’s many talents. Although it may seem deceptively simple, achieving professional-looking headshots is quite a process! Before you even start shooting, it is crucial that you have a clear concept and execution to move forward with. While shooting headshot pictures to add to […]
Local search matters
As the Gold Coast’s top rated ad agency, we do spend a little time on ensuring we show up in searches on Google when people are looking. Because we’re a full service firm, there are lots of different terms we might target, which increases the challenge. One of the key parts of the Google search […]
Everything matters… do you miss the details?
Take a close look at this fantastic card our team whipped up: At a glance, most people would miss it. Did you? Marketing is all about ensuring the target audience understands the client’s brand and voice. And yes, most people can recognise simplistic overt promotional messages. BUT! It takes nouse and knowledge to riddle a […]
Looking good
Looking good with a fresh new web site for Gold Coast Cosmedics. With a doctor and nurse husband and wife team doing all things cosmetic, it’s an awesome name as well. A simple WordPress site, that with a little search engine optimisation, will have clients jumping on and booking in.
Meet the meat from Gold Coast Fresh Meat Centre
Gorgeous ad produced by the team for Gold Coast Fresh Meat Centre. Ran on local TV stations and was complemented with social and digital marketing. Terrific results and shows that local TV really builds brand recognition. One of the features to differentiate the ad is Shane, the owner, as the voice over. This is a […]
This could well be very smart marketing
One of the team in the office tagged another on this post below featuring dog floats. I’m not sure if it is, but that could be very smart marketing. Promote your product in a meme and have others identify and connect with your target audience to get the product in front of them. It’s possible […]
The Boss is cray cray
Oh Brendon! When lovely clients called in with a box full of goodies, did you really have to share them with other businesses in the same building??!! We could have done these easy! (Maybe not the other 10 in the box, though.) Thanks to George and Poppy for your kindness, and the rest of the […]
The # 1 takeaway from 2018
Reflecting on the year and what’s been the biggest takeaway from our experience in the business in 2018. It’s a previous obvious one. Doesn’t matter what you do, someone is going to be offended and outraged. Where you should put onions on a sausage That our local supermarket doesn’t supply plastic bags for free anymore […]
7 yo kid is YouTube’s biggest earner with $22 million pa
I, mistakenly as it turns out :o), thought my kids were awesome from the minute they were born. They were adorable, sweet, kind and brought so much joy to my life. Well, turns out the lazy little buggers could have brought a whole lot more to my life with a Forbes article this week detailing how 7 […]
Your options when a domain name squatter grabs your domain name
An existing client (a computer repair business) just called to ask for some advice on behalf of one of his clients who let his domain name lapse and subsequently had it registered by a domain name squatter. Here’s our advice back to our client. You called up….. “You called up about your friend with domain […]