I gave a speech to a Chamber of Commerce group recently and after the speech I wrote to the brilliant organiser (Lindsey) and said “Thanks for being so helpful.”
We’d been taking about the beautiful De Bortoli Noble One wine (De Bortoli wines donated 2 bottles of wine to me as the speaker), so as a “Thank you” I sent Lindsey a bottle of that.
In my speech I talked about ugg boots and made a few jokes about them.
I sent up Lindsey a pair of nice boots as a donation for the next business meeting – they draw a few lucky door prizes and hold a fundraising raffle each meeting.
I mentioned the boots were a donation in my letter to Lindsey.
A few days later I got an email from Lindsey thanking me for the wine and saying how great the ugg boots were and how well they fitted!
She’s Taken The Uggs For Herself!
“Fair enough” I thought. She’s taken them for herself!
Sure enough, on Monday I received another email from a rather embarrassed Lindsey to let me know when she went to throw out the box she saw the letter in the bottom – she read it and was mortified to see she’d taken the boots for herself inadvertently!
Now Lindsey Has A Story
Lindsey emailed me a thousand apologies!
We just shot Lindsey up another pair of ugg boots to use as a lucky door prize at her next function – or so she says ;o)
All that’s great for Lindsey because now she has an interesting story to tell about how she got her ugg boots. She has an interesting story to tell about how she got the donated pair of ugg boots.
And I’ll get a strong mention to 150 or so businesspeople because of that story about ugg boots.
Everyone Loves A Story
- Everyone loves a story.
- What’s the story about your business?
- What is it about your business that makes it interesting enough to talk about?
If you don’t have something, then you need to find something.
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