I spend half my time trying to keep up with the latest and greatest from Google and Social Media.
I’ve just noticed that Google have launched a new way they show web site links on their search results page that means it’s more important than ever to get to the top.
As you’ll see by the graphic below, Google showing of internal site links has the effects of pushing the other results down the page (doesn’t happen with all searches though).
And that’s bad if you’re in position # 2 or 3 or more.
It’s now more improtant than ever to get a high ranking in Google – critical if you’re a web based business.
I just noticed this new feature last night actually {:-)
I think Google somehow knows when someone has searched for a business/organisation name though. I tried a few generic terms and it didn’t come up with site links.
But everytime I looked for a business name it came up with the sitelinks.
Interestingly the link text used is not necessarily the page title or the h1. Human edited by Google perhaps?