Over the past 2 days we’ve been working on a rush job for an old client. He rang up at about 3 pm yesterday and needed an e-commerce enabled site, email newsletter (design and formatting) and a few other things done quickly.
Like in 2 hours quickly. We managed to do it.
Today he required additional work, one part involved the email newsletter and the switching of databases, blah, blah, blah.
We were again under strong time pressure but got most of it done. Except for one very tricky bit. I figured out a quick solution and started work on that at about 5 pm today.
It Wasn’t The Best Solution
What I was doing wasn’t the best solution but it would work until such time as we had more time.
I worked on the solution for 1.5 hours. I was getting frustrated with the job, the time it was taking, the fact that we’d been rushing a round for 2 days…..all the usual issues.
So I thought I’d chill out and take a break.
42 Steps
It’s 42 steps from my office front door to the local bar.
I walked those 42 steps, propped myself up at the bar and ordered a VB.
I mulled over my day and the problems I was having. And then I thought of the particular problem I was wrestling with.
I was in the bar for about 2 minutes when I thought of the solution to the problem. A solution that, when I retraced those 42 steps, took me 45 seconds to implement.
A solution that was 100% perfect for the client.
A solution that enabled me to walk those 42 steps again quickly and have another beer.
Would Someone Please Turn On The Think Music
When I rush I don’t think the best. When I’m calm and relaxed I think of better, easier and cheaper solution.
I’m relaxing for the rest of my career. And the only liquid allowed in the office from now on is VB.
P.S VB pic courtesy of Fosters.Disclaimer: I’m in no way saying that beer makes you think better (it does) or recommending VB as the best beer available (it is).
Have a good night and cheers!
I’m an American who’s been to Australia twice. My fondest memory is pulling into a pub in Atherton (in Queensland–perhaps the most beautiful spot on the entire planet) and ordering a VB. I think I can still taste it.
You think that you could possibly mail me a VB? They don’t sell it here in the States.
P.S. The “Web Business Kit” has been the best money I’ve ever spent. It’s paid for itself repeatedly.