This is an easy one.
Reg is one of our regular customers of Calendulis Plus Cream we sell from
- We’ve had huge orders lately and sold out.
- Some chemists stock our products.
- Reg’s cheque was $9 short.
Short Changed By Reg!
One of the guys here was entering Reg’s order and saw the problems.
We have no stock. Reg has short changed us.
A) Do we send Reg a letter telling him we are sold out?
B) Do we send him a letter asking for the $9 before we send the product out.
If you picked A or B, you’re wrong.
The answer is, of course, C.
c) Find a chemist that stocks our product.
Pay full retail.
Send it to Reg.
Pop a note in letting Reg know there was a miscalculation in his adding up and say he can either send the $9 next time or consider it an early Christmas gift.
The Value Of Reg
Because a loyal customer who buys 4 times a year at $90 a time for 4 years is worth way more than $9 (assuming Reg doesn’t send the $9 in next time).
It’s not about screwing the customer for every last $. It’s about giving the customer the best possible value for his $.
That’s why Reg has been a customer for 4 years and will be a customer for another 4 years.
I love that you give him the option to screw you out of the $9. It’d be great to know what he actually ends up doing 🙂
Famous last words here, but he’ll pay for sure.
He just added up wrong. He’ll be horrified he short-changed us I reckon.