Look, I don’t want to be rude but sometimes it just has to be said.
How holiday resorts work here on the Gold Coast is this way: The manager manages the resort – he does the marketing, he keeps the resort neat, he gets the rooms cleaned….he basically takes care of everything.
And he gets paid, essentially, a % of the rental income he brings in.
The apartments in the resort, and the average would be 100 I’d guess, are owned by individual owners who leave it up to the manager to manage (and they pay him that % of the rent).
90 Break-Ins……………..Is This Our Most Burgled Man
That’s the front page headline in the local newspaper yesterday. It features the story of a resort manager whose resort has been burgled 90 times in 10 years. According to this manager some of the incidents include:
- A wallet with $1,000 taken from an apartment while the occupants slept
- Two expensive watches, $300 in cash and cigarettes stolen from another apartment
He went on to say “…………..most (robberies) happen at night and it happens at any time of the year.”
How To Destroy Your Business 101
That’s an excellent way to have a terrifically negative impact on your business. It’s basically How To Destroy Your Business 101.
Step up to the local media and detailed the 90 robberies you’ve had and also mention the fact that the apartments are so unsecure that robbers come in at night whilst you are sleeping. Crazy.
Not all publicity is good publicity.
One really has to wonder what was going through that guy’s mind. It would sure make me think twice, or even thrice, about booking a holiday there. It would be like putting a little banner on my website that proclaimed “proudly served up xxx 404 errors and yyy broken links last month. By far the less said the better.
It’s the type of story that a reporter would almost have to be “pimped” to write, also … doesn’t seem as if the reporter would rush down to the police station and search burglary records until s/he found an address with a large number … just to come up with a story line. A guess might be the resort manager was ticked off at the local police for some reason and thought such a story would put pressure on the police. Poor logic. To be a police officer is to be used to people criticizing you and to press on regardless.
If that were my resort I’d fire the manager and replace all the locks, put up security cams, etc. and have a story written about how “our new security has eliminated break-ins” … perhaps put the output of several of the cams on the website so people could see for themselves how well-lighted the place was at night, etc. And, of course, see the lovely Gold Coast sunshine in the daylight.
Howdy Dave
Yep, it was amazing.
His gripe was against the leniency of the court.
And for him to have his say his apartment owners will suffer big time.
That is funny. The court (judges) are even more immune to public sentiment that police officers. In fact, a good justice knows s/he has done his/her job well if _BOTH_ sides are P.O.’d. If s/he is making either side happy, the scales of justice are improperly balanced. Court sentences rarely have much to do with crime deterence either … criminals do thuings becuase they feel they can get away with it, they seldom decide to do or not do a crime becuase of the snetence they might get, that’s just really flawed thinking.
Does the resort in question have a web presence? Have you approached them? 😉