Here’s an interesting one with a client we did some search engine optimisation (SEO) for.
We stopped our SEO work where the red line is on the graph.

Looks like a massive reduction in visitor numbers from the moment we stopped, right?
Well, it is, but it’s not as bad as it seems.
Sure, they didn’t retain those thousands of visitors month after month, but it didn’t really matter.
You see, the massive increases that started in October, through to the end of November, were for the generic term of what their business is.
I won’t tell you what the business is, but it’s one that can only service the local Gold Coast area.
They need to be found for [key word Gold Coast].
Being found for just [key word], whilst giving them lots of visitors, doesn’t result in any more business.
The key words you target with your search engine optimisation efforts can be critical to your success.