I was reminded of something I sometimes lose sight of today, and that’s that our clients often have the skill and knowledge to complete their own marketing but often just run out of time.
I’ve often noticed this with web sites. Many businesses have the skills and software to complete and manage web sites, but would prefer it to be handled by others. And often it’s just because the web manager has the time to do it.
Web applications
A lot of web software applications have been developed that allow people to edit and update their own sites, but they are often slow to take off in the marketplace. Why? Well, I believe its because the business owner is better off out-sourcing that part of their business to someone more expert and better able to allocate time to it.
Work on your business, rather than in it. If you can get someone to do something better, cheaper and faster than you then you’d be crazy not to do out-source.
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