Pirates are doing some robbing with this movie…..but it ain’t Capt’n Jack Sparrow taking your money!
I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean on Saturday night with my kids and a neighbourhood kid and was robbed of a bit over $50 at the door.
How they can charge for this piece of rubbish is beyond me. I loved the first 2 Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
But this one is simply appalling. It’s like they thought “This one can’t fail – let’s serve up the biggest load of garbage possible and see if anyone notices.”
Pirates Smashes Box Office Records
Don’t see Pirates of the Caribbean – but most people will because they’ve seen the first 2. With more huge takings at the box office all we’ve done is give the green light to another rubbish Pirates of the Caribbean movie in a few years!
The marketing message? It’s the expectation you sometimes sell – not the actual product itself.
well , well, weeeellll…. I just came from seeing Spiderman 3 with my 3 kids cost me a small fortune as well !!!!and I am of the same opinion!LOVED THE FIRST 2 BUT I WANT MY MONEY BACK FOR NUMBER 3 Damm !! cant wait for “Rocky 10” or is it 11???