Had a resort manager client call me today after he was approached by a web site selling links from their web site. The fee for a link to my clients web site was a hefty $350.
The salesperson selling the link told him the site was in the Top 100 in the world and generated huge amounts of visitors.
If that was the case then it would be of interest to my client. He asked me to have a look at the web site and company selling the link to make sure he was getting a good deal.
3 Point Review
- I checked out the site – it was an very unprofessional looking site with poor navigation, disjointed flow and very little information. I’d be surprised if it’s in the top million, let alone the top 100!
- Using the Alexa Toolbar I saw that the site wasn’t really in the Top 100 sites, but was actually listed at about 3.5 million (that’s outside the top 100 sites by 3,499,900 sites!!).
- To be doubly sure I did a search on the Top 500 sites – no sign of the subject site.
What I did find interesting was quite a number of resort managers here on the Gold Coast had already signed up for a link – obviously believing the salesperson’s pitch.
The lesson here
Don’t believe what salespeople tell you regarding web sites. Get someone you trust to check it out. Unscrupulous companies do not deserve your hard-earned money.
Hello Brendon,
I was wondering will you try contacting the other resort that have been lets say “screwed” by this company. They are potential costumers no?
By the way keep up your great work Brendon I think it’s a big help for many of us reading.
Thanks Nelson
Yes, you’re absolutely right. The web sites that have advertising with this company are our perfect target market. They’ve shown a couple of things:
1. They have a web site
2. They’re trying to get a return on it
Disappointing that many web site owners get ripped off like this.