I’ve recently finished my first book – it will be printed in a few weeks – and in the book I tried to talk about the difference between successful businesspeople and the not so successful ones. Apart from the usual “Successful people set goals” comment, my research didn’t find anything decent. Then today I came […]
Tailored Media Blog archives for review - page 96 of 96
Check out our extensive articles within our blog categories below.
Where’s my *@#%&^% parcel!
Yesterday, a customer of one of our web sites e-mailed us with this: “Where’s my %^#$^%** parcel. It’s been 4 days and I haven’t received it yet.” From our experience we know that the parcels take, at most, 10 days to arrive to the USA (where this guy was from). All through the web site […]
What to do at Easter time
Okay, here’s the deal. The Easter Bunny had duly delivered a bunch of chocolate eggs to our place late on Saturday. I found them just before midnight. Being the dutiful dad I spent 15 minutes hiding the eggs. Easter Bunny hopped away. But he wasn’t the only bunny in our house. Here’s what happened. I […]
How to reach a million people with a single e-mail
How to reach a million people with a single e-mail Sometimes you just have plain, dumb luck. Samantha, our General Manager, was surfing the web the other day and came across a major magazine’s web site (this is in Australia). This magazine has a readership of 1 million people. The site asked for potential story […]
Am I good, or what?!!
Okay, okay. I confess. I’m good. Damn good! You may remember, I mentioned the importance of standing out as an integral part of your marketing. If you’re the same as your competition, then there is no real reason to buy from you. Well, it appears that the good folk at Herron have been reading this […]
And here’s things that have gone wrong!
Just so you know it’s not all that easy, here are a few things that didn’t work so well. 1. We had a meeting arranged today with an existing client. It generally takes us an hour (sometimes 2) to get ready for a meeting – we get all relevant documentation together, we buy food for […]
The one thing you need to do for marketing success
That’s not such a great heading, because there are many things you can do to achieve marketing success. But this one is a biggie! Stand out. You have to stand out. If you are the same as your competitors, then the buyer has no reason to buy from you. It’s sometimes called your unique selling […]
Why you use experts
I had the meeting with my $68,000 client this morning. He’s obviously rather happy with how everything is going. He’s a client whom I’ve worked with for a few years now and we get on very well. We play golf together, he drags me along to any networking functions he has and he is a […]
What to do when your customer says “No”
Customers will quite often say “No” to your offer. It’s natural that you won’t make every sale. Here’s what to do when the customer says “No”. Say “Thank you.”Thank the customer for giving you th eopprotunity to sell them something. Just because what you offered didn’t meet their needs, doesn’t mean it is their fault […]
I’ve just figured it out – we’re not web designers
I’m sitting here late on Monday night, preparing for a meeting with a client in the morning. His site was relaunched a month ago and, after not making a sale in the previous two- (2) years, has made over $68,000 in sales in just over 4 weeks. His visitor numbers have gone up x3. I’ve […]