About 18 years ago I wandered into an art gallery in a holiday town I was visiting. Amongst these hundreds of paintings I saw one across the room that immediately captivated me. I just had to buy it. Then and there. There was no question. So I went over and saw that (unluckily!) it was […]
Tailored Media Blog archives for review - page 74 of 96
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Why Buying Crazy Crap Works
I needed to find an online casino web site for some research on the weekend. Because I never visit them I just visited the only one I’ve ever heard of – Golden Palace. They’re the guys that spend crazy money buying all sorts of crap; Virgin Mary Grilled Sandwich The Pope’s Old Car William Shatner’s […]
2 Ways To Make More Sales From Pay Per Click Campaigns
Okay, we run a lot of Google AdWords campaigns. We know a bit about them. Here are 2 very easy ways to increase your: a) Click through rate (that is, getting more people to click on the ad) b) Convert more visitors to sales once they get to your site. Here’s what you do. 1. […]
Running Some Stats
It’s late on a Friday night. I’m in the office after going home for dinner. My wife and kids are watching some inane TV show they like . But I didn’t want to relax. I wanted to come in an run some stats on some sites. Oh my God. I’m a nerd!! When that happened […]
How To Be A Great Listener
I’m a good listener because I’m a speaker. It’s funny the things you learn when you do a few public speeches like I do. Your standing there on the stage trying to be entertaining, amusing and informative. There are 200 people in front of you. Most feeling fairly relaxed in the warm room. Some are […]
I Promise Not To Use The Word “Bloody”….Oooops, I Just Did
Here in Australia the media is in uproar because an ad developed by the Australian Tourism Office has not been allowed to be shown in the UK because it contains the word “bloody”. I should rephrase that – Here in Australia the media has pretended to be in uproar etc etc. This TV advertisement was […]
Here’s Why A Franchise Is Sometimes Worth The Money
When people buy a franchise they do so essentially to access the intellectual property and skills of the company. For example, if you have no marketing experience it might make sense to get a franchise so you can use the marketing expertise of the parent company. A Subway has just opened up about 100 metres […]
Bigger Spend on PPC Than SEO
According to Anne Holland over at MarketingSherpa.com, “This year marketers will spend roughly 1/8th of their search budgets on Search Engine Optimisation, and 7/8th on paid search ads.” That, to my mind, is insane. Search engine optimisation (that is, developing your site in such as way that it gets high search engine rankings) makes far […]
Why You Should Use Testimonials On Your Web Site
Okay, now these results are from a web site that’s been live for 10 days. It’s a site selling horse tack (horse bits). It’s a new design of horse bit and for that reason people want to check it out thoroughly and see what others say. The testimonials page is the most visited page on […]
Why What I Think Doesn’t Matter Too Much
As the web developer on a site it matters a bit what I think across a whole range of areas. After all, I’m the one with the usability experience, marketing expertise and general web knowledge. But when it comes to what content to have on a page it doesn’t matter too much what I think. […]