Well, after five- (5) amazing years with us, it’s good riddance for Chloe Wallent, our wonderfully talented digital marketing expert. I’m not being rude at all – you see, Chloe has departed sunny Queensland for the cold climes of Melbourne and is doing a degree at Melbourne Uni. So she’ll soon be officially smart! And […]
Tailored Media Blog archives for review - page 6 of 96
Check out our extensive articles within our blog categories below.
Gold Coast’s The Good Tradie on the books – thank goodness for that!
Pretty thrilled to have The Good Tradie as a client here at Tailored Media, for more than a few reasons. Number 1 being, of course, that they’re a cracking young family business doing awesome renovation work from Burleigh Heads to Broadbeach. Number 2 is the fascinating bit. You see, Adam and Heidi work on the […]
Amazing work from Surfside Pools Commercial still recognised
One of our very first clients when we started Tailored Media twenty-two years ago was Surfside Pools Commercial. They are still clients to this day. They’re the builders of some of the biggest commercial pool projects in Australia, and have been for many years. We’re talking serious pools. Theme park pools The Star Casino pool […]
It’s all about the brief
I’m know in the business for saying “It’s all about the brief.” Because it is. A great brief can help produce great work. And here’s great work. The brief was clear. The result was even better. A museum says they gave an artist $84,000 in cash to use in artwork. He delivered blank canvases and […]
New Website for Zoo Roof Restorations Gold Coast
Published 2nd September, 2021: The Tailored team has been hard at work on a brand new website for one of our Gold Coast clients, Zoo Roof Restorations. The site needed to be modern, clean and functional, and clearly display the four services that the roofing team offer, including: Roof Repairs, Roof Cleaning, Roof Painting and […]
Google made 4,500 changes to search in 2020
4,500 changes! When I first started in SEO about 20 years ago, there was one, maybe two, major updates a year. Danny Sullivan announced on Google’s “How search works” portal that “There have been 4,500 such improvements in 2020 alone!” Search engine optimisation can be challenging at the best of times. The secret is what […]
Could you work two jobs?
This article on people who are working remotely secretly working two jobs tickled my fancy. And as impressive as it is, not as impressive as a guy working at one of our client’s business. Working two jobs ………in person This guy wasn’t working remotely. He was working in person. As the General Manager of quite […]
IT Security Firms Mail Out Tip
Standing out and being noticed is a big part of marketing any product. The IT security niche can be a particularly challenging one to market because the trust required prior to engagement of an IT security firm can be significant. So an education based strategy is a VERY solid platform for marketing. Essentially, demonstrate your […]
It’s as easy as ABC
One of our oldest clients are the team at ABC Building Products. We’ve worked with CEO Andrew Mills from his days with Mills Transport, then Mills Bricks and Pavers, ABC Bricks Sales and now ABC Building Products. It’s great to be with a client for so long and really talks to the team here at […]
Queensland Business Boost Grants Program
The Queensland Government’s Business Boost Grants Program opens on Friday at 9am – and you could receive up to $15,000. Here’s what you need to know: How much can you get? A grant payment of $15,000 (excluding GST). What can you spend it on? These grants have a pretty tight and limited criteria. The activities […]