I met a new client (Fiona) today for coffee and a chat. We decided to play Rock, Papers, Scissors to see who paid for the coffees after she very arrogantly announced: I am the greatest Rock, Paper and Scissors player in the world – I pity the fool that takes me on! Brendon, prepare to […]
Tailored Media Blog archives for review - page 33 of 96
Check out our extensive articles within our blog categories below.
Screw The Haters – Here’s Where You Need to Focus Your Energy
I just gave some advice to a client who was asking how he should respond to some negative survey responses he has received. What advice I gave isn’t the usual advice you might get, in fact it’s probably the opposite – but it makes sense to me. Thought it might be of interest. Screw the […]
5 Things To Do Today For 4 Results
If you’re in business, one of your biggest business assets, almost without question, will be your customer database. The name and contact details of each and every customer is absolutely vital. If you don’t have them, then get them. Stop reading and make a list. RIGHT NOW! It’s that important. Okay, you’ve kept reading…..that’s great […]
Why your marketing should be cheap… real cheap
People I talk with often assume that the marketing we recommend will be expensive. After all, they reason, only the big boys have the money to do really effective marketing. And only by spending a fortune can you generate great sales. Wrong! Your marketing should be cheap. Very cheap. And it should be cheap because […]
Test, measure and save yourself thousands of dollars
As part of our ongoing marketing we are just about to use what’s called an “Unaddressed Delivery Service.” (That’s a fancy name for having our promotional material dropped into post office boxes.) Just because some marketing is easy doesn’t mean it is cheap. And just because it’s cheap doesn’t mean it’s good value. I’ll use […]
Web Tips Galore
We look at a lot of aspects when developing a web site. Here are a few aspects we consider day to day when developing a site to be as effective as possible. Hope these tips help you. Virtues Of A Minimalistic Home Page The virtues of a minimalistic homepage Serve as a squeeze page (no […]
The 3 step guide to winning prestigious business awards – and getting the biggest bang for your buck
I first realised the power of winning prestigious business awards back in 1999 when my brother Pete won one of the major awards in the city we both live in. I had the chance to, up close and personal, see the incredible impact that an award can have on a business. And what an impact […]
So near yet so far! The worst customer service.
I wrote this article a few years ago but nothing has changed and I think it has some important points in it so here it is again: I have an 11-year-old son called Jack. Jack loves camping. It was Jack’s birthday last week. He received $150 cash from various friends and relatives and had his […]
Size does matter!!
A new study out of the US confirms what short people have always feared – tall people are perceived as more successful and they get paid more! Each 2.5cm apparently adds $US783 ($1135) a year to a person’s income! “Height matters for career success,” said Professor Timothy Judge, whose research found the taller the person […]
Resort web site – how to generate more online bookings
I’d like to start this article a little differently by saying this: The objective of the article is to provide a very simple introduction to search engine rankings. I will provide the very basic elements of achieving high search engine ranking for web sites here, but please be aware that much more information than provided […]