Creative thinking often, not always, wins the day in terms of value created. Creative can get cut through. Creative comes up with better solutions. Creative can make a better return on investment than any tactic. I was reminded of this by reading Dave Trott’s Twitter (follow it for some terrific insights) this week and seeing […]
Tailored Media Blog archives for review - page 18 of 96
Check out our extensive articles within our blog categories below.
The 4 lessons I learned cycling across Australia with my son
It’s 10 years today that my then 15 yo son Jack and I started our 4,500 km cycle across Australia in 30 days – from Perth, WA to Surfers Paradise, Queensland. He became the youngest person ever to cycle across Australia and we raised $30,000 for youth mentoring charity Big Brothers Big Sisters in the […]
How people find Finance Brokers on the Gold Coast
Want to know what people search for online when looking for finance on the Gold Coast? Well, wonder no longer. Download our free guide below (it’s a 1.1 MB PDF file) – no registration required.
Results are the only real measure of your SEO success
The Big Boss was chatting with a new client earlier this week and stressing the importance of results being the only measure of effective search engine optimisation. Sure, it’s great to do all the right things – but only if they work. So we did a bit of digging on our past Google ranking results […]
Search Vs Display Ads
If you are starting in the digital marketing world you might have heard about Google’s search network and Display network (GDN). Yes, we know it can be a bit confusing to understand where, when and how to use these two networks. But don’t worry we are here to help you understand how Google Ads works. […]
What gives a story news value and makes it worth telling?
Have you ever wondered what makes a story ‘hot’ off the press, and what makes others fizzle and flop? There’s a fine art to news production and a number of careful considerations are made before any story gets a slot on air, a spot online or published in print. News space is like acquiring prime […]
Google Ads in the age of Facebook Advertising
Facebook ads are often touted as the be all and end all in terms of digital marketing and don’t get me wrong, they can be incredibly powerful for your business. If done right, Facebook’s targeting options allow you to get so granular and specific with who you display your ads to that it’s like hand […]
Welcome to Hamilton Roofing team
Big welcome to Hamilton Roofing to the Tailored team. Tim Hamilton and his merry team have been a metal roofing Gold Coast based business, providing great cover for over 25 years. When dealing with Hamilton Roofing you can also be assured you are dealing with a fully Licensed and Insured Company.
People just want to help
Marketing a great cause is always pretty easy. Good people want to genuinely help those in need. And those in need at the moment include the thousands of farming families doing it tough in the middle of one of our worst ever droughts. A “Parma for a farmer” is where participating pubs and clubs donate […]
Serving up effective restaurant marketing Gold Coast tips
The bar/restaurant next door to our offices here in Palm Beach shut its doors last week after about 18 months in business. It’s always so sad to see a business, where the owners pour their heart and soul (and a bucketload of cash) into something, only to see it flounder and fail. Hospitality is an […]