Who said journos won’t go to any lengths to make a story interesting?!
I reckon chaining an old lady to a cupboard has to be up there with the all time greats.
Click here for the full story.
Who said journos won’t go to any lengths to make a story interesting?!
I reckon chaining an old lady to a cupboard has to be up there with the all time greats.
Click here for the full story.
Brendon is the Founder and CEO of Tailored Media. He is one of those rare creatures who can not only tell you how to do it, he’s done it himself, with a vast array of experience across a broad range of areas from marketing public companies, national brands, large retail operations and much more.
Cute or outrageous gimmicks are not to my liking, but they do work.
I recently heard of a marketing mail a friend of mine opened because it was titled “Victoria has a Secret”. The real secret? “her” real name was Victor and he had a get rich quick scheme to sell.
Probably why I won’t make my first million any time soon.
It makes you wonder how much news is actually fabricated. Scary, isn’t it?
I’ve wondered how much was fabricated for years. In the 1890s you may recall various issues developed between the US and Spain. No less a pair of media giants to be than William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer were newspaper publishers, determined that there was a “story” in US/Cuban relations. Hearst sent an illustrator/correspondent (the famous Frederick Remington)to Cuba to send back reports. Remington reported back to Hearst that there was no war and could he please come home. Hearst’s famous reply (which he later denied) .. “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.”
The “color” of a great many media outlets (including some very influential bogs of today) is often very “yellow”.