I was asked yesterday, as a marketing guy, who I thought did the best job in marketing their product at the Olympic Games.
My answer seemed to amaze the people asking, but I’ll stick with it as one of the most effective marketing strategy examples I’ve seen in years.
And the winner of best marketer is……………..
…………..that crazy Irishman who grabbed Brazilian marathon runner Vanderlei de Lima.
* Billions of people know who he is (he’s a brand now!)
* Billions of people found out what his message was
* He creates a very strong emotional reaction in the mind of the public
* Didn’t cost him a cent (although I think he did cop a small fine)
Marketing is about getting noticed. It’s about getting in front of your target market. It’s about having your message heard by your target market.
(Sure, no one is buying from the Irishman, but it’s still a good example of the rest!)
This reminds me of a story in the u.k.
You may of heard of the popular game show who wants to be a millionaire, its in most countries maybe slightly changed but the genreral jist is the same..
you answer questions in hope to get them all right to win a £1,000,000
anyways a couple and their friend tryed to cheat by choughing the correct answer (a guy coughing from in the audience) and had an earpiece to a women who was surfing the net to find the answers.
They won the million and then got caught.
The guy was slapped all over the national news channels and papers they gave him a real roasting. And from this he has now setup a promotions company using himself (due the him now being a brand from all the press).
Cough medicine companies now want the guy to appear in ads and what not..
Just goes to show… the effect any media apperence has good or bad has it’s rewards
Haha nice story Dominic! 🙂