It’s a fact that people search the web for information.
It’s a fact that when disaster strikes a company or individual, the number of searches related to that company or individual will skyrocket.
And this is where a search engine optimization expert can provide some very positive benefits for the company or individual.
Pushing Down The Bad Stuff
You see, through implementing various strategies the expert can get the ‘right’ stories to the top of the rankings – pushing the ‘bad’ stories down the page, or onto the next page.
Only a small percentage will visit page 2 and page 3 etc of the search engine results.
Which means the bad stuff can effectively be buried, thus reducing the damage to the company or individual reputation.
# 1: Protect Your Name & Reputation
Anyone in business or the media or in any sort of profile position needs to protect their name first and foremost. Because the first thing a lot of people will do:
- when they meet you
- before they interview you
- after the first date (!)
is ‘Google’ you.
And you want the search coming up with good stuff, rather than bad stuff.
It could be the difference between getting lucky getting that job or not.
Interesting that you post about this today. its not just prospective employers that will google you for more information – my new girlfriend’s dad was googling me only last night!
I havent done anything the way of online reputation management as yet so its a good job i’vekept my nose clean instead!
Maybe i’ll start taking my personal brand a bit more seriously in future as you never know who’s going to come agoogling.
Good point Terry!
I have to admit it’s often the first thing I do when I meet new people (especially businesspeople).
The trouble is what you write today in an angry post of a forum can come back to bite you on the behind 5 years later when you’re going for that first job.
Good luck with that new girl!