I’m just about to speak with a Financial Management guy who has set up a (terrific) web site and wants some strategic and general web advice
I’ve been thinking of the way to differentiate him from his competitors on his web site when I saw he had this quote posted: at the top of a page:
“One of the hallmarks of a true profession is that the professional is paid by the client, not a product provider. Imagine if doctors were paid by drug companies for the advice they give,”
RMIT University adjunct professor in financial planning Wes McMaster (quoted from Money Management website, article ‘Taking Back Control’, 20th October 2005).
My client goes on to say that his firm does not accept commissions – the only fees they receive are the ones from clients.
That’s Brilliant Marketing
I’m not sure if he realises it, but that’s brilliant marketing.
He has encapsulated in one quote the fear of many people seeking financial service advice. And that is that the advice will be tainted based on commissions the advisor is receiving.
I’d make that a major focus of his marketing strategy. Can you directly address the main fear of your market and reassure them that you’ll save them from that?
If you can, that will be brilliant marketing.
This makes a good subheading but I really like your heading –>
“Imagine if doctors were paid by drug companies for the advice they give.”
Sad part is that it’s totally true, at least in the USA. Doctors are ‘schmoozed”, gifted, wined and dined and otherwise heavily influenced by the drug companies … thousands and thousands of dollars per year in samples and other “benefits’> I’m sure the average doctor will say that this treatment doesn’t influence their recommendations, but human nature being what it is I don’t see how they can not be influenced, at least subconsciously.