Over the years we’ve worked really hard to respect people who have applied for jobs with us.
When we advertised for marketing staff, we would get up to 300 applications (that was the record).
We’d acknowledge every single application and for those who didn’t get selected for an interview, we’d send them an email trying to add a bit of value for them.
It’s incomprehensible to me that applicants wouldn’t receive either acknowledgment of their application OR a message to let them know they’ve been unsuccessful.
(And I’ll admit here it can be incredibly frustrating – here in Australia, to receive unemployment benefits you have to demonstrate you’ve been applying for jobs. So we’d get a lot of applicants from people just gaming the system. We’d take the time to assess the applications assuming it was genuine – when it wasn’t.)
How we told applicants they didn’t get an interview
Here’s the actual email we’d send (edited for each situation).
“Thanks For Your Application
Hello first name
Thanks for your recent application for the “Diverse Marketing Role” here at Tailored Media.
We do appreciate your interest in the position and taking the time to apply – you’re bloody wonderful!
The Usual Boring Feedback
We’ve received a ton of applications and have selected our shortlisted candidates for interview. You haven’t been selected for an interview.
The quality of applicants blew our minds.

The Not So Usual Feedback You’ll Get When Going For A Job
Here are some stats on the applications:
- 93 applications
- 4 took the trouble to address their application personally to the person who owns the business (3 of those people got an interview)
- The only person who didn’t send a resume and cover letter got an interview
- The resume is dead – the new resume really is your social media accounts and online presence
- The vast majority of people said exactly the same thing in their letters and resume
- Pretty much everyone told us why getting the job would be great for them. Only a handful said why them getting the job would be great for us.
Hope that is useful feedback – good luck with securing a marketing role. It’s a fascinating and rewarding industry to be involved with. Keep battling away.
Brendon and the Tailored Team
Ph: 07 5534 1228“