I’ve always been a big fan of Bob Parsons the founder of major US domain registrar Go Daddy.
Bob’s blog is one I read regularly – he makes some terrific points about business.
Anyhoo, one of Bob’s masterstrokes in advertising his Go Daddy business was his very controversial TV ads that aired (or didn’t air) at the last SuperBowl – you can read about it here.
Bob has followed up with some new TV commercials. He has 6 testimonials ads in the mix. I’ve just checked out the ads and some of the sites associated with the ads.
Being a male I was naturally attracted to the web site of JoeBikini.com after viewing the ad.
Joe Is Wasting This Opportunity
Man, is this Joe guy wasting an opportunity. Joe would be receiving thousands and thousands of visitors. But, unfortunately, his web site is a mish-mash of stuff that is completely confusing. It took me probably 5 minutes on the site before I figure out what the site is for.
Once I figured that out I eventually found a ‘Buy” button and was presented with a poor order form that would turn most web visitors off.
The point of this? (I don’t want to bag Joe. After all he’s done a good job getting the exposure)
The point is your web site needs to be simple to understand. Simple to use. Simple to buy from.
Joe has huge potential right now to make some good sales, but his web site is so poor that he’s letting prime potential customers down.
But He’s Not Alone
Joe’s not alone on this. We run a few web sites and one of those is about ugg boots. We set the site up for testing purposes and part of that was to run some Google Adsense ads on the site.
We worked on the site for a little (just testing a few different things) and then promptly forgot about the site. When the domain name (ugg-boots-direct.com) came up for renewal I declined.
After all, the site was no use to me anymore.
It was only about a month later that I realised the site had been generating some nice revenues from the advertising on the site! Ooooops! I quickly renewed the domain and put it back into service.
You must not have seen the IShootPictures.com site… it still has filler text on it.
Hey Guys thanks for going to the JoeBikini Site. You might want to check it out now, you could of went to my portal Zoodoodle or the old Bikinijoe site with a forward that was setup prior to the Ads starting. GoDaddy did not want a site with the
Ad or GoDaddy and DOTCOM Bikinis up until the Ads started. A small “Catalog Picture” site was put up at this URL just for the GoDaddy Bikinis etc. I am between seasons and don’t sell online direct at retail.
You could be right about missing out, but at this point with all the talk and my Ad being rated as the best of the bunch by some, the traffic to the site is in hunderds not thousands per day. Tonight the “GoDaddy Girl” Candice Michelle that made the original Super bowl spot was on the RadioGoDaddy show and talked about how my JoeBikini Ad was Hotter than her new ones and wanted Bob to Re-edit. So maybe we will see the traffic. I build all my little sites with Moonfruit Sitemaker and perhaps I should put up an HTML site for Google Ads etc instead of the Flash sites I use.
We only sell wholesale to stores and online stores, should we sell direct? Who would build the site? and if we should sell Retail online you guys tell me.
Howdy Joe
Thanks for the comment.
Congratulations on getting the exposure.
If you’d like to have a chat about some ideas for the site shoot me through an email to brendon@tailored.com.au.
I think there are a few opportunities here for you.