Sometimes marketing can be really bloody difficult.
Other times, the Gods of Marketing are smiling down upon you. This was one of those times.
Here’s how we generated close to $350,000 in free publicity for a client …all for the price of a cap. A crap cap at that. Probably the most famous crap cap in Australia.
The promotional cap of fisiocrem, now one of Australia’s leading pain relief gels.
In 2016 Hamish & Andy had Australia’s highest rating nationally syndicated radio show in Australia.
The show was the highest-rating radio series in Australian history, consistently gaining up to 20% market share in the crucial Melbourne market.
The show had approximately 2.7 million listeners, and over 1 million podcast downloads each week.
1. The Start
We managed to get fisiocrem caps and cream into Hamish & Andy’s hands for their “Tell Us Somebody…” segment on Wednesday’s drive-time broadcast.
The lads use promo caps as prizes for guests calling in.

For nine- (9) weeks, fisiocrem has been the central theme of this segment via Hamish & Andy’s constant complaints about the quality of the caps.
They also mention the crem very positively:
“What is fisiocrem you ask? It’s the world’s number 1 pain relieving cream …..Can’t rate it highly enough as a cream.” May 25, 2016
“We’ve both used the product. Wonderful cream, wonderful cream.” June 22, 2016
The July 20, 2016 episode included a fisiocrem jingle with the words “The world’s number 1 sporting cream…..”
2. Leveraging the mentions
We implemented a range of strategies to engage Hamish & Andy and prolong the relationship to encourage them to find comedic value in mentioning fisiocrem.
These included:
- sending personalised “bedazzled” caps to them
- running cap competitions
- running a competition which implies Hamish & Andy’s TV shows are worse than having a dead, stuffed cane toad
3. Approximate Value
The national and highly credible live-read style of brand mentions in a memorable way provides significant value over and above paid commercial space.
Add in the superb personal endorsement of both stars and we have massively valuable advertising for our client, fisiocrem.
From our assessment of commercial spots on major city networks and live read prices, we estimated the mentions to be valued in excess of $38,000 per episode. At nine- (9) episodes the conservative value is estimated to be: $342,000.
Not bad for the price of a cap.