I had someone email me and ask why I’m only keeping the Mystery Shopper document on the web for 3 days. “What possible reason could you have for that?”
There is a reason, and I think a fairly good reason.
I’m using it as an example of this point:
I’m trying to make this web site a daily dose for people interested in marketing and in business. I need to encourage people to return each and every day.
If I put up every document forever, the number of people visiting will reduce on a daily basis. There won’t be a need to come back every day.
But…….if I put valuable documents, like the Mystery Shopper document, online for only a limited amount of time then the thinking will slowly change to “I’d better visit every day just in case Brendon sticks something up I really, really need.”
And that strategy is as old as the hills. Every store sale does it.
“Sale ends Friday!”
That instils a fear of loss into buyers. They must buy now or they miss out!
I’m sure you’re not exactly shaking in your boots, but it’s the same philosophy. get a sense of urgency into your potential customers and the chances of making the sale go up.
Hope that all makes sense.
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