For quite a few years, we created and managed the website for the Gold Coast Marathon.
This was “back in the day” – 1999 – the very first time the event had a website.
It has been wonderful to see the progression of technology enhancing the athlete’s experience, along with supporters.
Back in 1999…
- Entry forms were by downloading a PDF file and sending it in
- Course maps were a simple graphic
- “Live updates” was me at the finish line snapping photos with a “new” digital camera and adding to the blog
- Results? That was a 2-3 day trial of getting the data together and uploading it to the website (and from memory, we couldn’t upload it before the results were published in the local newspaper)

…..Fast Forward to 2024
My son just completed the Gold Coast Marathon yesterday and the website is now a seamless experience with every conceivable pain point removed.
- Entry was at the click of a few buttons.
- Course maps are now detailed Google Maps, Course Fly Throughs via video and you can also download GPX files onto your phone.
- Live updates are now via a live stream (hosted by Marathon legend Steve Moneghetti), a Finish Line live stream and the tracking of every athlete with 5 km splits in real-time.
- Results are instantaneously uploaded to the website and the Athlete Tracker.
It has been great to see the race evolve into Australia’s biggest multi-race festival that many thousands (26,000+) compete in and enjoy each year.
Seeing that old graphic of the 2001 Marathon website makes me realise just how far we’ve come!