Howdy. Hope you weekend has gone well so far. Mine has been quite dull. I’ve almost finished my first e-book. I wrote up a Case Study on the survey. I wrote up a Case Study on a pitch we made for a job. I’ve been going over the changes to be made to the site. […]
Two words to strike fear into the heart of any parent.
“Presentation night.” Two words to put joy into a kid’s heart. “Presentation night.” My 2 boys, Jack and Harry, play cricket with a local club. Love their cricket, as plenty of boys their age do. The cricket season just finished and the presentation night was tonight. 2 hours of about 100 9-14 year old boys […]
Don’t meet expectations
In business you should never meet the expectations of your customers. It’s simply not good enough. Sure, it won’t make you any enemies. But it won’t generate that all-important positive word of mouth about your business. And I try and practice what I preach. Like today for instance. Kimberly won the book I’ve only just […]
Kissing up – and why you don’t have to do it
I played the guy from next door at golf today where he duly delivered me another flogging. My wife (Mel) partnered him, and Scott’s wife was my golf partner. And would you believe it – Mel won the game for them with some sensational putting over the last 2 holes! You have gotta wonder how […]
It’s not about the food. It’s never about the food.
You probably already know this from McDonalds. But it’s not about the food. Last night, the lovely Mel and I thought we’d take the kids out for dinner. We had a chat to the kids and they were very excited. We went to a local restaurant called the “Nine Pines”. Simple restaurant that does of […]
Web site award win for us!
Now I don’t want to brag but……….I’m a winner, winner, winner!! I recently entered the Golden Web Awards. These awards are widely acknowledged as one of the best on the web for recognising web design. I’m a winner! I have won a “….prestigious Golden Web Award” today. I get a little graphic to display on […]
I’m an illogical, sexist, easily influenced idiot. You can call me “Customer”
I’ve changed this blog a few times. I’d write it, but then think – “No, that’s going too far.” Except it isn’t going too far. And here is what I’m talking about. Try these on for size If I walk into a bar and have a beer, I’ll stay longer if the bar person is […]
Finding perfectly qualified targets in a small market
Part of our business is managing public speakers. Some of the speakers we manage command $5,500 for a 1 hour speech. That’s good money in anyone’s language. Companies with the need and the budget for our speakers are limited in number. So the question for us is how to find companies that would pay that […]
How we got a great testimonial from a happy client
We received a beautiful testimonial from a client today telling saying how thrilled they were with our work and how heartily they recommend us. Here’s the secret for receiving great testimonials Ask. Yep, just ask your happy clients for a testimonial. They will be, I’m sure, happy to oblige. Then you do this 1. Frame […]
Why I speak
No, it’s not because I like the sound of my own voice! I speak occasionally to business groups, business students, etc on a range of topics. I have 3 main topics: * Marketing – why you should stop, then start * The Power of Image – how to get what you want, when you want, […]