Most people are terrified of public speaking. Sadly for many people, public speaking skills could give them a massive advantage in many areas of their life. If you can speak in public with skill, authority and a touch of pizazz then you have a tremendously valuable asset. My 2 sons (15 and 16 yo) last […]
Explosion Forces Business Closure – What To Do Next
Some dingbats tried to blow open a cash machine/automatic teller machine at the local shopping centre on the weekend. Despite blowing the machine out of the wall and causing damage to the adjoining shops, the money wasn’t forthcoming and the would-be robbers fled empty handed. Dumbasses. The damage to the adjoining shop, a butcher, was […]
What I’ve Learnt After 2,000 Blog Posts
Howdy I just noticed I’ve written exactly 2,000 posts on this site since I started blogging on March 30, 2003. This is 2,001 post so that kind of screws the synergy, but never mind. Okay, in celebration of 2,000 posts let’s talk nice: Things I Love I love the fact a waitress in a restaurant […]
How Horizon Got Screwed Over By Social Media
A lot of people get screwed over with the fast media we have now. It’s because people don’t care or don’t bother to find out the back story. All we want is the outrage, the disgrace, the juice. And we want it now. Exhibit A Horizon Group Management These are the dudes that are suing […]
The Keys To A Web Site That Actually Works
A client (Elizabeth) asked for some examples of sites we’ve done the other day. I made up a quick list and sent it through with a bit of a disclaimer: “Whilst these are all fine looking designs, please understand that the success or not of a site is rarely about the design. It’s about all […]
Cutting Costs On Marketing – Cheap & Effective
I’ve had my hair cut at the same barber shop for the past 12 years. In that time there has been 3 different owners. The last owner was struggling to make a $$$ and, last week, grabbed his gear and simply walked out, leaving it empty. I noticed a few days back someone has taped […]
How To Explode Your Web Site Success
I had a call from a client yesterday. We’ve been hosting her web site for a few years and doing minor edits on her site (it was designed by someone else about 5 years ago). The web site has been working just fine and generating leads and sales of her product. I always felt a […]
The 5 Main Marketing Strategies For Your Web Site
I’m often asked the best way to market a web site. The answer is that there are a range of strategies that need to be implemented and the strategies to use vary from web site to web site. You really need to understand the web site, the client and what they’re trying to achieve to […]
Ugg Boots from Australia
We’ve just launched this ugg boots web site in Western Australia. They also have the most amazing sheepskin jackets. We didn’t do the design, we moved the site to a simple content management system so the client could very easily edit the site and the products.
How To Make The $1,000 You Would Have Otherwise Lost
I’ve talked previously about how a local restaurant owner has missed out on $1,000+ in sales because he didn’t divert his phone to somewhere where it gets answered. I said at the end I’d show a little trick that will “increase your chances the customer will leave a booking message.” This strategy can be applied […]