This post is the fifth in a series of posts about how to use social media. If you missed the others, here is: The Introduction to Social Media How to Use Facebook How to Use Twitter How to Use Instagram LinkedIn is currently the fourth most popular social media platform in terms of monthly visits. […]
How to use Instagram – Social Media 101
This post is the fourth in our series of posts on how to use social media. If you missed the others, here is The Introduction to Social Media How to Use Facebook How to Use Twitter Instagram is one of the newer social media platforms on the scene and is one of my personal favourites. Unlike […]
What does a publicist do?
When someone mentions a publicist, it’s highly likely that your first thought is of the poor soul dealing with the aftermath of some out of control celebrity’s latest tirade. While, yes, this can be the case, a publicist is a very powerful force to have in your arsenal when it comes to advertising your business. […]
How to use Twitter – Social Media 101
This is the third post in our Social Media 101 series. If you missed the others, you can read them here: The Introduction to Social Media How to Use Facebook Twitter is just one of many social media platforms out there and can be the most difficult to see the immediate value it can provide […]
Coastal Turf say Grassias!
I guess you could say the grass actually is greener when you work with us… In August we started a Google Adwords campaign for one of our clients, Coastal Turf. We identified there was a huge opportunity based on Google search trends and volume so we got the A-team together to develop a strategy to […]
How to use Facebook – Social Media 101
This post is a part of our Social Media 101 series. You can view the introductory post here. Facebook is by far the biggest and most used social media platform. Put simply, Facebook is a platform where you can converse with your friends or customers both privately and publicly using photos, videos and messages. If you are […]
Social Media 101
Social media is the new(ish) kid on the block in business advertising. Social media platforms are online tools that allow you to get in front of your customers without doing the hard sell. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be breaking down social media into bite size pieces so you can understand what […]
Tailored Media and Google are in a relationship!
We’ve had quite a few Google Adwords success stories since our Digital Planner extraordinaire, Carlos, took over managing all of our clients’ Adwords accounts. We’ve always known that Carlos is an absolute legend, but now we have solid proof. Tailored Media is now listed as a Google Partner! What does being a Google Partner […]
Hamish & Andy Expose Our Client To 1 Million+ People
Hamish and Andy featured our client fisiocrem on their radio show on Wednesdays for about three- (3) months – bagging out their promotional caps (even ended up with their own name: CrapCap!) but raving about how fantastic fisiocrem is for pain relief. Sweet!!! In the end, the CrapCap was taken as a prize and the […]
How newsletters beat social media
In the marketing world, e-newsletters aren’t the newest kid on the block. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t have a lot to offer when it comes to boosting your biz. In fact, building and maintaining a steady list of email subscribers can pay off big time. Are you on the edge of your […]