A domain name is a massively important and valuable asset to many businesses. We urge business owners to ensure they keep their domain name details up to date and recorded. Having a current and monitored email address associated with the domain is critical. There’s nothing worse than letting a domain name lapse and then having […]
The # 1 takeaway from 2018
Reflecting on the year and what’s been the biggest takeaway from our experience in the business in 2018. It’s a previous obvious one. Doesn’t matter what you do, someone is going to be offended and outraged. Where you should put onions on a sausage That our local supermarket doesn’t supply plastic bags for free anymore […]
7 yo kid is YouTube’s biggest earner with $22 million pa
I, mistakenly as it turns out :o), thought my kids were awesome from the minute they were born. They were adorable, sweet, kind and brought so much joy to my life. Well, turns out the lazy little buggers could have brought a whole lot more to my life with a Forbes article this week detailing how 7 […]
Your options when a domain name squatter grabs your domain name
An existing client (a computer repair business) just called to ask for some advice on behalf of one of his clients who let his domain name lapse and subsequently had it registered by a domain name squatter. Here’s our advice back to our client. You called up….. “You called up about your friend with domain […]
One scam that might be useful for you
You’ve probably seen the news where a staggering 500 million guests of the Marriott group (includes Sheraton, Westin and W) have had their data hacked after staying in the hotels. As major websites get hacked, and the news says “millions of accounts compromised” – what that often means is that the list of usernames/passwords have […]
The best gifts to give clients at Christmas
Being the manly man I am, I’m growing my beard back (heh, I was a nursing sister for 15 years, I have to get my masculinity confirmed someway). It looks ridiculous, but I love it. Anyway, my son Jack (apparently you shouldn’t rank your kids, but click here to see why it’ll be almost impossible […]
No longer able to charge strip joints to the business – Seems a bit unfair!
A couple of weeks ago The Wall Street Journal reported the US apparel company Under Armour “employees received an email earlier this year that upended a longstanding company practice: They could no longer charge visits to strip clubs on their corporate cards.” You read that right. The poor employees of Under Armour can no longer […]
Sponsorship v Advertising: What is the biggest winner?
Many brands either invest into advertising or sponsorship to increase their brand awareness. But advertising and sponsorship can go hand in hand, and this powerful combination will propel brands to the next level. Why? Advertising is great for general brand awareness as it can provide high frequency and repetition, meaning consumers will see the product/service […]
Is organic social media worth it if you’re not getting any engagement?
This is always a fun topic 😀 Organic social media engagement rates have dropped massively over the last couple of years for businesses. Where businesses were seeing 20-30% engagement rates on Facebook, they might be lucky to see 5% now. The newsfeed algorithm is largely to blame for this – it filters how many posts […]
How to market a hospital with a salad roll …..and other creative stories
Creative thinking often, not always, wins the day in terms of value created. Creative can get cut through. Creative comes up with better solutions. Creative can make a better return on investment than any tactic. I was reminded of this by reading Dave Trott’s Twitter (follow it for some terrific insights) this week and seeing […]